Tag Archives: craft beer

Happy 15th to Six Craft Breweries

13 Dec

stone schmaltz bear republic fireston-walker three floyds arcadia

2011 saw the 15th anniversary of six craft breweries that have made game-changing contributions to the industry.  Stone, Shmaltz, Arcadia, Firestone-Walker, Three Floyds and Bear Republic have all made a name for themselves by making great beer; but not every brew could be a Sublimely Self-Righteous.  For a great read by Draft Magazine on these six brew houses with questions like “What is the worst beer you’ve ever brewed?” and “Where do you see yourself in 15 more years?” posed to each respective brew master, follow the link below.  Also, for a look at how far they’ve come you can find the original Stone Brewery website created in 1997 here.


Jack’s Abby Kiwi Rising India Pale Lager

12 Dec

Jack's Abby India Pale Lager

Could IPL be the next big craft beer style?  If other breweries start turning out big hoppy, full-flavored lagers like Jack’s Abby of Boston, it may just be a big hit.  This well-reviewed brew is an exciting example of the natural evolution of the craft beer industry and shows what can be accomplished with an imagination and good execution.  If you’re fortunate to live in the Boston area, keep an eye out for Jack’s Abby Kiwi Rising India Pale Lager for a refreshing twist on the most popular style in the craft beer world.

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Dogfish Head Gift Ideas

11 Dec

dogfish head gift ideasDogfish Head recently updated their site showcasing some possible gift ideas for the Dogfish fan who just seems to have everything already.  With products ranging from apparel to an IPA Steampunk Clock ($299), you’re bound to find something your giftee doesn’t have yet. But if nothing catches your fancy you can always pick up a 4-pack of the 90 Minute IPA ($8.95), one of the best craft beers available today.  Follow the link below to see the gifts.

Dogfish Head Gift Ideas

The Sprocket Growler

9 Dec

Get your local craft beer in style with this simple yet very bad-ass growler from Portland Growler Company.  Made of kiln-fired stoneware, this 64-oz vessel is much sturdier than your typical glass growler and the ceramic will help keep that brew cold during your drive home.  The Sprocket Growler ($64)

Some Delicious Lagers and Pilsners

6 Dec

Lagers are the most consumed type of beer in America but unfortunately, that’s not for good reason.  Bud, Miller, and Coors have such a wide market penetration (and low prices) that they provide what is the default beer for nearly anyone at a bar or house party.  It’s really an unfortunate situation though considering there are many lagers and pilsners in the world that taste much better than what is produced by the big three.  These are often overlooked by craft beer drinkers probably due to the fact that when one does decide to branch out and drink good beer, he tends to try to get as far away from the old, watery standards he used to drink.  Below is a short list of some great craft pilsners and lagers to help you explore a less common branch of the craft beer world.

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Mark Carpenter on Defining a Craft Brewery

1 Dec
mark carpenter anchor brewing beer

"Once you get started on craft beer, you're not going back to regular beer." - Mark Carpenter

“I’ve never liked those numbers, it’s a goofy kind of fake thing. When we were tiny and started to grow, the brewers association would come up with these numbers and there was a period where we were always out of being considered craft beer, but Sierra Nevada was always in it. Then Sierra finally passed us and all of a sudden we were considered craft beer again, so it’s kind of arbitrary.” – Mark Carpenter, Brewmaster at Anchor Brewing

Read More –> http://whosisbrew.com/?p=2061

Jim Koch on Competition in the Craft Beer Industry

30 Nov
Boston Beer's Jim Koch

Jim Koch of Boston Beer believes the craft beer industry will fail or succeed together

“As a craft brewer in America, after 27 years we’ve finally gotten to 1 percent market share, so my competition is not craft brewers because we’re all going to succeed or fail together. My real competition is ignorance and apathy. I’m about creating an appreciation of good beer, educating people about it and teaching them to treat it with respect. If I can do those things, I can succeed.” -Jim Koch

Read more here –> http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/220792

A New Lager Looks to Fill the gap Between Mainstream and Craft Beer

28 Nov
kraftig lager beer

Kräftig is looking to fill a niche that may not exist

The craft beer industry has steadily gained market share from the big three (Bud, Miller, Coors) over the past decade, rising to 7.6% of total beer revenue in the US in 2010¹. This steady incline is occurring while total beer sales have been slowly declining over the past 3 years, down 1.0% in 2010 from the year previous and expected to dip again in 2011¹.  Therefore it’s easy to see the risk involved with opening a craft brewery in America today, but there’s one brewery trying to really beat the odds: Kräftig.

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